RDA also offers a broad-base of services to organizations in the area of training and conducting workshops. These services include quality awareness, meeting management, facilitation skills, statistical process control, problem- solving process, communication, teamwork, and leadership development.
RDA also conducts workshops in conflict resolution, customer satisfaction, organizational philosophy, strategic planning, staff relations and development, empowerment, and continuous improvement process. We also administer and conduct workshops in the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator and the Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument.
RDA has worked with numerous public agencies, private businesses, elected governmental entities and religious organizations providing the above services. RDA has worked extensively with organizations in forming successful partnering relationships between stakeholders charged with successful project implementation. We feel that this experience and our knowledge of team building, partnering forming and strategic planning benefits our perspective clients.
RDA’s specialized areas of consulting services include:
• Strategic Planning
• Continuous Quality Improvement
• Organizational, Quality and Climate Assessments
•Leadership and Management Development and Consultation
• Interdepartmental Partnering and Team Development
• Human Resource Management and System Design
• Organizational Statistical Analysis
Our strength and focus emphasizes the early identification and resolution of what we refer to as “foundational issues”, such as leadership, decision making process, staff/team coordination and communication processes. We have learned over years of experience that most organizations overlook these issues as they begin planning processes or embark on projects. These issues can lead to the successful completion of such efforts and to ensuring long-lasting results and relationships.